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We take care of our employees in more ways than one. Our competitive benefits package includes premium medical care, dental, and vision coverage for employees and their dependents. We also offer paid leaves, daily gourmet lunches, professional development program and nutritionist sessions. And so many others. We’re dedicated to ensuring all our employees have the requirements they need to do their jobs well.

At ORFAP, we recruit and retain the best staff for our operations. Professionals who are committed to our values and to excellence in our industries. We have a strong culture of care and support for our clients, based on our passion for excellence.

ORFAP focuses not just on recruiting individuals that are performance oriented but also on developing them. To us it is important to ensure that our clients are satisfied and are being served with the care and respect they deserve.

Once we see the potential in someone and recruit them we ensure that they get an environment in which they can actually realize their potential. Stress and pressure are the enemies of productivity and creativity, we aim to decrease them as much as possible.

Our core values:

Collaboration and transparency: make information available to all agents in order to cultivate transparency and collaboration within the company with regard to the instructions given.

Integrity: ORFAP’s services are provided without any requirement or receipt of goods of any kind in order to avoid tarnishing both the company’s image and that of the beneficiary of ORFAP’s services.

Merit: considering parity, gender and moral probity, ORFAP offers any agent the equal chance of being promoted within the company. The work and efficiency of each are the decisive key for its promotion.

Emulation, reward and recognition: promote emulation through recognition of service rendered and rewards to agents and customers who have distinguished themselves.

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